Article No. 1: Purpose

All sales made by the company CONECTINNOV are subject to these general conditions which prevail over all conditions of purchase, unless formal and express exemption from CONECTINNOV and appearing on the order form.

Article No. 2.1: Price and payment

The prices of goods and software licenses sold are those in effect on the day the order is taken. They are denominated in euros and calculated excluding taxes. Consequently, they will be increased by the VAT rate and transport costs applicable on the day of the order. In order to determine a payment deadline expressed in number of days at the end of the month, you must first count the number of days, and then determine the end of the month from the date thus obtained. In the event of payment by payment card issued by a bank domiciled outside France, the card must be an international bank card. The CONECTINNOV company grants itself the right to modify its prices at any time. However, it undertakes to invoice the goods ordered at the prices indicated when the order is registered. In the event of disagreement over part of the invoice, the Customer undertakes to pay the undisputed part without delay and to indicate in writing to the company CONECTINNOV the reason for the dispute. By express agreement, failure to pay our invoices will result, without prior notice, in the payment of interest of 2% per month on the sums due plus the immediate payment of all sums remaining due. The rate cannot, however, be less than three times the legal rate as required by article L441-6 of the Commercial Code. In addition, as specified in said article L441-6, a fixed compensation for recovery costs is due to the creditor in the event that the sums due are paid after the due date. This sum was set by decree at €40.

Article No. 2.2: Discounts

The value of qualitative and quantitative discounts as well as the quantity brackets are freely established by CONECTINNOV and may be modified at any time, without notice. Quantitative discounts are reserved for orders placed on our online stores and do not apply to items already benefiting from a discount or promotional offer. Promotional discounts concerning either products, brands, or an entire online store are only applicable to products in stock. Any other products cannot obtain promotional discounts. Likewise, the packs are not subject to promotional discounts or discount vouchers.

Article No. 2.3: Discount

No discount will be granted.

Article No. 3 : Customs duties

Any order delivered outside France may be subject to possible taxes and customs duties. These possible customs duties and taxes linked to the delivery of an item are the responsibility of the buyer and are their responsibilities. We are not required to verify and inform You of applicable customs duties and taxes. To find out about them, we advise you to contact the competent authorities in your country.

Article No. 4: Reservation of ownership

In application of the law of May 12, 1980, CONECTINNOV retains full ownership of the goods subject to the order until payment has been made in full, in principal and in accessories. As such, if the buyer is subject to receivership or judicial liquidation, the CONECTINNOV company reserves the right to claim, within the framework of the collective procedure, the goods sold and remaining unpaid. In the event of non-compliance with payment deadlines, CONECTINNOV reserves the right to demand, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the return of the goods at the buyer's expense.

Article No. 5: Shipments, transport risk

Whatever the shipping method, our goods travel at the expense and risk of the recipient. In the event of missing or damaged goods during transport, the buyer must make all necessary reservations on the delivery note upon receipt of said goods. These reservations must also be confirmed in writing within five days of delivery, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Any unjustified refusal of delivery will result in the invoicing of round-trip transport costs.

Article No. 6.1: Place of delivery

Delivery is made either by direct delivery of the goods to the buyer, or by sending a notice of availability in store to the attention of the buyer, or to the place indicated by the buyer on purchase order.

Article No. 6.2: Delivery to professionalss

The delivery time is indicated as accurately as possible without any guarantee on our part. By express agreement, a delay in delivery cannot be invoked for cancellation of an order or refusal of delivery and does not give rise to any penalty or damages.

Article No. 6.3: Delivery to individuals

The delivery deadline is indicated as accurately as possible. Unless otherwise stated when ordering online, delivery time to individuals is 30 days. In the event of a delay of more than 7 days, the individual may cancel the order concerned by registered letter.

Article No. 7: Cancellations and returns of equipment

Cancellations and returns of equipment can only be done with our consent. The resulting costs are borne by the customer. For order cancellations not provided for in article 6.3, a 10% reduction in management fees will be applied with a minimum of €15. For returns of materials, a discount of 10% for verification and 5% for storage will be applied. The validity of our assets or overpayments is six months. After this period, the credit or overpayment becomes null and void. CONECTINNOV does not provide refunds. The amount of credits is deducted from future orders.

Article No. 8 : Civil Liability

CONECTINNOV declines all responsibility with regard to the harmful consequences that may result from the use of our products.

Article No. 9: Force majeure

The responsibility of the company CONECTINNOV cannot be implemented if the non-execution or delay in the execution of one of its obligations described in these general conditions of sale results from a case of force majeure. As such, force majeure means any external, unpredictable and irresistible event within the meaning of article 1148 of the Civil Code.

Article No. 10: Competent court and applicable legislation

By express agreement between the parties and notwithstanding any contrary clauses appearing on the buyer's commercial papers or documents, the courts of Cergy Pontoise will have sole jurisdiction in the event of disputes or disputes. French laws and regulations apply to the transactions covered herein.